Taste and see that the Lord is Good…Psalm 34:8 This is our mission statement and constant reminder. Here at Lavenwell, we are privileged to literally taste and see the goodness of the Lord. What a gift! And, we want to share that goodness with others…

Hello and thank you for visiting! I’m Jenna.

My family and I count it a great privilege to tend to this beautiful, small plot of land in North Texas and consider it an even greater privilege to be able to share it with others.

The garden is our first love with all things homesteading. While we are still learning so much, little compares to growing our own food, herbs, and flowers. In addition to the growing gardens, we have chickens, waterfowl, a couple turkeys, a small herd of Nubian dairy goats, rabbits, a livestock guardian dog, a sweet pony, and a pond full of fish! Each of our animals serve a purpose in our aim of creating a thriving permaculture environment.

Our feathery flock spends the majority of their day free ranging throughout the property. If you are in search of farm-fresh, free-range eggs, please reach out as we typically have extra for sale each week. You can also find our delicious sourdough loaves to order in the farm shop. We finally are proud to have our goat milk lotion, goat milk soap, and other fully natural body products for sale. Thank you for the support and positive feedback we’ve already received! We are beyond thrilled at how it’s helping so many of you.

Furthermore, we also have a photography studio at Lavenwell! I first opened my photography business (Jenna Reyna Photography) in 2016 as a family + newborn photographer while living in California during one of my husband’s military assignments. It brings me great joy to be able to capture beautiful moments and snapshots in time for others. While I maintain my RN license and enjoyed my years working as a mother/baby Nurse, I’m so grateful to now be home full-time with my children and our little 2-acre homestead. Our family recently moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to be closer to family after my husband completed his service in the US Air Force. We’ve had a great many adventures as a family (most enjoyable of which was our time living in England) and are now slowing down, digging our hands in the dirt, tending to critters large and small, and loving on our 100+ year old home. The Lord has been so very good to us & we find such delight in tending to His creation. We pray that when you visit here- whether you’re coming for photos or to pick up homegrown goods-, that you also experience God’s goodness here.

… To keep up with the latest at Lavenwell, visit our instagram account.

American Dairy Goat Association